Below are just some of the regular comments that our clients make to us about their career change discovery experience in the Oxford Program. You will find that most of them are strong, enthusiastic statements. That's because the Oxford Program is meant to transform your life as well as your career.
"I do owe you a debt of gratitude. This program has literally saved my sanity. It offered hope at a point when all I had was desperation and frustration. I was able to develop a path to happiness that I never would have thought of on my own. However the most important benefit of the program for me has been the journey of self-discovery. Uncovering my natural abilities taught me things about myself that I never new existed. I now see myself in a totally new light which has illuminated possibilities that I had never considered before. Thank you so much for doing what you do!"
"The Oxford Program has been priceless for me in figuring out what comes easily to me and what doesn't. I finally see the clear distinction between a career 'infatuation' and 'the real deal'. I will forever be grateful to TOP for helping me to believe that finding the right path and living an extraordinary life is possible, realistic and attainable. It would be a pity to go through life without gaining the self-knowledge insights The Oxford Program process helps you uncover."
"In my quest for discovering my true career passion, I knew what I was currently doing was not it! So I searched for a career coach to help me and luckily I found the most comprehensive, enlightening and FUN program - The Oxford Program. I learned so much about myself and now am in the process of putting my true career passion into place! Thanks to the great coaching, fascinating exercises and supportive group interaction, I am now on my way to loving my chosen career!"
"While years of tests and books and expensive career counseling gave me a good idea of what my parachute looked like, my career was essentially missing the rocket, launchpad, and a map of the landing area, rendering a parachute useless. The reality is that they all were right there before me—I just had refused to believe my eyes. The Oxford Program gave me the tools to understand that there was, in fact, no "other mysterious job" I hadn't heard about yet, that following my dreams was that other job, and showed me the path on how to make it a reality. Best of all, the set of exercises it provides allowed me to believe in myself and understand why I would be successful along the path I decided to choose. You will get as much out of this program as you put in it. This is true of most things in life. Don't ask yourself if you are willing to put the price—it's irrelevant—ask yourself if you are willing to put the time."
"A combination of poor personal decisions, poor health and not knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up left me bobbing and drifting in the middle of an unsatisfying ocean of a so-called career for 21 years. I was unhappy, unsatisfied and my health was none the better for it. I felt locked in with great health benefits, reasonable amount of paid time off and decent money. All of that couldn't make up for the fact that I hated going to work and dreaded it with a passion. Feeling the strong need for change, I began exploring various avenues trying to figure out not just a new career, but who I am and what I needed to be fulfilled. I wanted to find a calling, not a job or even career. I read several books on the subject and while they helped somewhat, I needed something that would help me get to the core and figure this out once and for all. Through a series of lucky twists and turns, I landed on the website for the Oxford Program. I approached the program like going back to school - my happiness, satisfaction and even health depended on it. Approaching in this manner also helped justify the financial investment. I opted for the Premier Package as I wanted to fully immerse myself in the process. You get out of something what you put into it, after all. Out of habit, I found myself trying to guide parts of the program where I thought it should take me and that if I didn't come away with a 'traditional' career, I was wasting my time. Once I opened myself up to the program fully and listened to what it was trying to tell me, I re-learned who I was and what I needed. The tests by themselves are telling and when coupled with the exercises and assignments, a very revealing picture emerges. I seriously doubt I would be pursuing a newfound calling had I not first invested in this program. I do and have recommended this program to others seeking direction and guidance. Thanks for helping me figure things out!"
"This is a great career counseling program. I can't even begin to explain in words what it has meant to me. Thank you so much. It was excellent! I will spread the word of T.O.P. to many others in helping them visioncraft their careers!"
"The Oxford Program has definitely been worth the investment. It has been extremely instrumental in helping me finally understand my innate strengths and abilities. It has also shown me realistic career options I hadn't considered. I have a much stronger sense of career and personal identity now. I would highly recommend this program. I only wish I had completed it when I was 15."
"I was drawn to the Oxford Program based on its promise to work with the holistic person through really looking at who you are, what you stand for, and what you have a natural affinity for. I have found the process to be exciting and energizing. For me it has provided even more than I expected it would. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for the complete package."
"The Oxford Program vastly exceeded my expectations. Steve's unique approach deftly combined learnings from structured testing, team-based exercises and counseling in a step by step process that significantly expanded my awareness of opportunities ideally suited to my skills. I highly recommend Steve's approach & The Oxford Program to anyone either considering a career change or seeking to discover their ideal career fit."
"Hi Steve, I got your newsletter today and your success story of the woman who is finishing up school for landscape architecture reminded me that I should give you an update on how I'm doing and also pass along a thanks for your program. I did the program in the fall and decided by December that I wanted to explore landscape architecture. In my entrance essay, I referenced the Oxford Program to explain why I wanted to pursue landscape architecture and drew heavily on the work we did to describe why I believed the profession was a good fit for me. So....I got accepted to every school I applied to! With fellowships! And I applied to all the top landscape programs - Harvard, Penn, Univ of Virginia, Cornell. Then I had a really hard decision to make and I used a lot of the skills and decision making processes I learned in the bootcamp to choose which school to go to. While turning down Harvard was really, really hard, I feel like I knew myself well enough and what I was really interested in to make a mature decision. I'm headed to Virginia next week and so excited! Thanks so much for your program. It not only helped change the trajectory of my career but the coaching goes so much farther into all areas of my life - from decision making skills, to convincing me to get over my fear and perform improv on a famous stage in NYC."
"I was in a very unhappy career situation that dramatically affected my daily life. I tried reading all sorts of self-help/career guidance books and took their prescribed career tests, but these were still unable to aid me find what was right for me. The Oxford Program was by far the only program that was able to help me gain a clearer perspective on assessing and understanding more about my own abilities and guided me to acheive a clarity on what I felt was more my ideal vocational path. The Highlands Ability Battery was by far the most helpful tool in giving insight as to what my natural abilities were and why I was so strong or weak in parts of my career."
"I was reluctant to sign up for The Oxford Program. I had tried all of the tests and had read a couple of books on personality and careers, and none of them seemed to really help me. My perception before T.O.P was that I would never be happy or satisfied with a career. I knew something was wrong though. I would think that surely there has to be more to life than what I was doing. I new that my life had more purpose, than just having a job that I was miserable in, so I started researching resources that would help me find my purpose, and came across T.O.P. After researching the website, I made the decision to join the program, and make a change in my life. It also gave me optimism, and the ability to see that there are things out there I would enjoy doing for a career. The program was a major help in me realizing what I needed in a career and what my natural abilities are. I uncovered what my passion really is and have found a way to make a professional career out of it."
"Through the Oxford Program, I've rediscovered my core and am truly living my personality and utilizing innate abilities. I am appraising my assets and fully understanding my interests and motivated skills. I have stocked my ambitions and now doing what I value and what gives me a sense of purpose. I found what I want to do with my life again through the Oxford Program."
"I have been very busy pursuing the career that you helped me to find. I just wanted to write to you and thank you so much for your program. It was the best money that I have ever spent. You have satisfied yet another person."
"After a restructuring at the company where I worked for eleven years, I really wanted to do something for which I was innately suited. I discovered Steve's comprehensive and sophisticated coaching services, and I have found it to be incredibly helpful. I only wish I could have worked through his program while I was still in high school! I don't think you can beat his program for value and benefit."
"Before I signed up I spoke with you on the phone and I was surprised to hear how passionate you were about this. I'm even more surprised with the program you've put together. I want you to know that I think this program is incredible. I've learned so much about myself in the last couple months and I'm excited to take the next step. You have created a great program that genuinely helps people. It's worth every penny I paid for it and I'm so impressed that there are no additional fees for extra services. Thanks for all of your help!"
"This first week [in the program] has already been amazing for me. I'm a software tester and after discovering my ability profile and seeing "SEVERE MISMATCH" when comparing it with my current job, it's NO WONDER I've felt like I was going out of my mind for the last 5 years!! I can't wait to do more exploration! Yesterday I finally got up the guts to tell my manager that I was looking for a new career and that I would be leaving in June. I waited for this feeling of regret to hit me, but instead it feels better every minute!! The weight is lifting off my shoulders and a smile is back on my face!"
"You probably didn't realize, but I was pretty convinced that my situation was beyond repair. But now I've got to tell you how incredibly eye-opening and empowering this has been for me. I give it ! This is a great, GREAT program and you should go on late-night TV or something. But then, maybe it wouldn't be the same intimate "management" by you if you had millions signing up for your program. Anyway, thanks, it's been ... Life-changing. That's a good word."
"I think the Oxford Program is perfect the way it is and I will definitely recommend it to others. Thanks for this program Steve -- I have a much clearer sense of what avenues to pursue and WHY!"
"This program is an incredible gift to those of us who want to change careers and find our place in the world. The knowledge and insights that I have gained will benefit me the rest of my life. I'm so glad YOU found your calling!"
"I had tried [company name witheld] and been very disappointed with their focus and the outcome. With the Oxford Program, I found the program to be money extremely well spent. Additionally, I feel much more confident about the decisions I have made and the direction I have chosen to pursue than I would have if I had not gone through such this amazing process. I have recommended the program to several people already and will continue to do so. It is EXTREMELY worthwhile!"
"Thank you SO VERY MUCH for everything you have done for me the past few months! My life has turned into this amazing exciting adventure thanks to your program and, of course, YOU!"
"I didn't think that distance counseling would really help. But you and your program enlightened me about so many aspects of myself that it made my ideal career opportunities clearer to me than they have ever been before. The program made it possible to clear away all the fog and focus on the careers that are really right for me."
"Thanks a lot for all your help - I think you can safely chalk me up as another successful 'graduate' of your program!"
"I want to thank you for for putting together such a great program. I had already signed up to see a local career counselor at the same time I signed up for the Oxford Program. The results....he should be directed to YOUR service!"
"Before I started the Oxford Program, I was pretty doubtful about whether or not it was any different. Books and articles I've read have been just pieces of the puzzle with no direction. I did the entire 'What Color is Your Parachute' book in '95, then 'The Pathfinder' in 2002, then went into real estate...bad choice! I think these books made me more confused than I was to start with. Your program is more focused on adults and made all the difference. Thank you! Thank you!"
"This is the best program of its kind that I have ever looked into. Thank you!"
"Great program! Best dollar value I've ever spent!"
"It has also been great to have regular 1:1 support and guidance."
"I was able to piece together who I am, with what I do best, and what I want and roll it into a job of my own creation complete with benefits. Who could ask for a better fit? Thanks to the Oxford Program, I was able to do this! Thanks for everything, all of your help, guidance & support."
"I really like the broad spectrum of exercises and assessments. I have taken individual assessments in the past and did not find the results very helpful. Certainly worth the time and effort."
"The process you led me through has been extremely helpful. This is a huge step forward for me compared to how I've approached my career in the past. I feel much more confident in the options I am exploring, and feel I am doing a lot more for longer-term career satisfaction than I've ever done in the past."
"Your program is excellent. Thank you"
"I think this is a great program. The multiple exercises help you define the various elements about yourself in order to have a truly satisfying career. I've taken other career development courses and none offer the same breadth as your program."
"My friend just emailed me that she took my advice and signed up for the Oxford Program. It has been just the tool for me to bring my life into focus. Truly a forum for gathering together all the 'raw materials' of my life and creating a masterpiece."
"I'm really blown away. I've been jumping from career to career coach (after reading all the damn books). I'm only half way through the program and am already achieving amazing results and discoveries of options. If I only had access to this 25 years ago!"
"My thanks to you and the program because I don't think I would have been able to recognize what I needed had I not done it. I feel so much better and can now get on the right path!"
"Unbelievable. I am happy to report, that I have made an offer on a very cool cafe fairly close to my house, and the offer was accepted by the current owners. We should be closing next week! A pretty big change from my previous job as an international consultant, but I am so excited about what I am going to be doing, that I can barely contain myself. My wife has taken to giving me sedatives at night so I will sleep - otherwise I'll stay up all night planning and studying up on it..... For the first time in my life, I am completely energized and excited about working - so much so that I don't want to sleep!"
"I have to hand it to Steve. This has really been worth the money. I have wasted a lot of time and money going through a lot of programs and what this program has done - not only with the testing, but with the explaining of the process really has gotten me thinking. My mind and my spirit are coming together and I am on my way to my dream life. Thanks!"
"A job search or career change is much more challenging than it was 5 or 10 years ago. It is easy to become stuck and to settle for a new job that feels good at first but eventually feels the same as the previous job. The Oxford Program helped me to develop a crystal clear understanding of my skills and strengths while defining my new career goals. The Workshop members and our facilitator were a great support team both during and after the program."
"I could never say in words how grateful I am that I came across your website. I am sending you good thoughts for the most wonderful life...One day I hope to repay this enormous favor you have done for me."
"I still can't believe how your method made it so clear to me what to do with my life (and so quickly!). My husband will be enrolling shortly!"
"I've been working with my llamas and showing them, which made the month speed by. Since last signing on I have signed up for my first 2 courses on the way to getting my master's degree in agriculture. I'm feeling very positive about my plans, although coming back to work after being gone for most of the month was painful. There was just a commercial on TV saying 'I will have a Jaguar.' I prefer 'I will have a job I love.' You have made a major difference in my life...and I thank you."
"This has been one of the most pivotal and cathartic experiences of my life. Perhaps I was already in line for this big change but it was this program that gave me the right shove at the right time in the right direction. I cannot thank you enough for your time, support, the information you have gathered. Keep up the good work. Oh, and, thanks for putting this all together is such an easy, comprehensive format."